HOA News

01-31-2023 “Minutes Posted from BoD Meeting”

Hello, the Draft Minutes of the January 11th meeting has been posted in the Meetings page.

01-03-2023 “Draft Minutes Posted from Annual Meeting”

Hello, the Draft Minutes of the November 11, 2022 meeting has been posted in the Meetings page.

10-28-2022 “Fall PSA”

Hello, Fall PSA posted here.

07-05-2022 “Special Meeting on July 11, 2022”

Hello, please see the agenda for the 7/11/2022 meeting in the Meetings page.

05-02-2022 “Minutes Posted from BoD Meetings”

Hello, the Draft Minutes of the April 25th meeting has been posted in the Meetings page.

11-18-2021 “2021 Annual Meeting Vote Results”

- 19 participants, 24 abstentions.

- For recycling, the Myers option (64gal / weekly for $21) wins in the second round.

- Budget and Special Assessment passed.

- Steve and Jeff - congratulations on becoming Directors!

- Not enough votes to ratify the Declaration amendment, so rejected despite a majority of votes.

11-17-2021 “Property Management Report for 2021”

Hello, the Property Management Report for 2021 has been posted in the Meetings page under the 11/17/2021 date.

10-31-2021 “Minutes Posted from BoD Meetings”

Hello, the Draft Minutes of this Oct 27th’s meeting and the Approved amended minutes of the previous meeting (10/07/2021) has been posted in the Meetings page.

10-14-2021 “Board Of Directors Special Meeting Wednesday, Oct 27th. 5:30-7:30pm”

A Special Meeting of the Hamlet's Board of Directors will be on Wednesday Oct. 27 at 5:30pm via Zoom.

10-12-2021 “Letter from Reed - Board Service”

Fellow Hamlet Homeowners,

While the wether may deceive us, fall is here, and with it comes preparions for the Association’s Annual Meeting. While I begin drafting the agenda with the help of the Board and our property management team, I need to reach out to you today to get you thinking about serving on the Board of Directors. No prior experience or background is required. The only thing you need is the desire to make The Hamlet a great place to live and a willingness to uphold our Declaration, Bylaws, and Rules. Everything else can be learned, and we have multiple past Directors willing to coach and mentor. Commitment likely entails attending 1-2 Board meetings per quarter (4-8 total), and the Board chooses times collectively. Tasks can include researching solutions to our challenges, collecting homeowner feedback, collaborating with our Property Manager, reading up on our governing documents, and coming to meetings prepared for substantive dialog and votes. Two Directors’ seats on the Board are up for election this year, and both have indicated they are not going to run for re-election this time around. The terms for the other three seats have one year remaining (at least one of those seats may become available sooner). Needless to say, we need new homeowners to step up and serve. Please reach out to me if you have questions or just want to talk through the possibility of volunteering. Interested homeowners will be listed on the ballot ahead of the Annual Meeting on TBA (typically in November). PS. A frequently asked question I get is: are directors the same as roles like president, treasurer, etc? No, the first thing the Board does after the Annual Meeting is elect “Officers”. We typically have roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President and Vice President must be Directors, but Secretary and Treasurer can be any homeowner. If you’re interested in serving in either of those roles but not being a Director on the Board, that’s an option too and you can also reach out to me to express interest. Thank you. ~Reed Carr, President, The Hamlet HOA

09-26-2021 “Board Of Directors Meeting Thursday, Oct 7th. 5:30-8:00pm”

The next regular meeting of the Hamlet's Board of Directors will be on Thursday Oct. 7 at 5:30pm via Zoom. Agenda, including video conference link, is attached. Other announcements:

1) We are launching a survey on our landscaping with the goal of drafting an informal revised plan. I invite everyone interested to learn about it and provide input to join me on Saturday 10/2 between 9am and 11am in front of 81 Madison Drive.

2) The Department of Public Works has informed us that two "No Parking from here to corner" signs have been ordered for Jake's Way (no install date yet). They remind us all that parking is not allowed within 30 feet of an intersection (per section 10.01 a of the town's Motor Vehicle and Traffic Ordinance).

3) We have formally requested (as we had last year) that the Select Board consider plowing our sidewalks. Such requests are considered in budget meetings. Reminder that residents can sign up to receive Select Board meeting notices on the town's website.

09-07-2021 “Board Of Directors Meeting Thursday, Sept 23. 5:30-7:30pm”

Please note that the Hamlet's HoA Board of Directors will gather for a special meeting on Tuesday Sept. 23, 5:30-7:30pm via Zoom. Agenda and meeting information below. Thank you. ~Board of Directors

09-07-2021 “Summer Social this Saturday, Sept 11. 2-5pm”

You are invited to a “Summer Social” organized by your Hamlet Neighbors. Location: Gazebo behind Madison Drive. Bring: Chair, refreshments, food for you/to share. Provided: Live music by Whiskey & Wine, tables and coolers for shared food, lawn games. Please see official invite below, see you there! ~Board of Directors

08-19-2021 “Williston School Buses”

No change to the Williston Schools bus route this September, they will continue to pick kids up at the Seymour/Day lane point. The bus will be the same as last year, bus "D.” Stops in the same locations as well:

1) Zephyr/Madison 2) 236 Zephyr 3) Holland/Kettlepond

4) Seymour/Day Lane 5) Chelsea/Dunmore 6) Chelsea/Chelsea

08-19-2021 “Stormwater Updates and Details”

Forwarding the memo file regarding stormwater detail.

08-16-2021 “Summer Social Invitation”

Hello! The Hamlet BOD and volunteer neighbors invite you to a 'Summer Social' next month at the Gazebo behind Madison Drive. A survey was sent out in July and these were the results: Saturday, Sept 11th from 2-5pm. Please bring your own chairs and refreshments. There will be tables and coolers if you'd like to bring something to share! Live music by Whiskey & Wine will be performed as well as lawn games.

Safety: Please follow current VT Governor's Guidelines for social distancing, masking, etc. Respect neighbors by keeping dogs on leash, avoiding trespassing on private property, and preventing noise disturbance/littering. Any questions or would you like to help? Please email erinleongart@yahoo.com. Thanks and hope to see you there!

08-1-2021 “Summer Social Survey Results”

Here are the results of the survey for your reference. Invite will soon be sent out!

07-27-2021 “Topics Page Updated”

Please view the Topics page for updated information involving stormwater and carwashing.

07-13-2021 “Summer Social Survey”

Neighbors of the Hamlet community would love to plan an in-person summer social this year! Would you please fill out this survey (attached) so we may help coordinate and plan conditions that would make all feel welcome and comfortable?

Please submit survey by Thur, July 29th via Isabelle’s vote box or email a photo to Erin. Results will be calculated, shared, and accessible on the website (news) by Sun, Aug 1st. The Board and neighborhood volunteers will continue coordinating the event and email out an official invitation with details based on the submitted feedback. Thanks for your participation! ~Board of Directors

06-29-2021 “Notice of Upcoming Hamlet BoD Meeting - Thursday July 8, 2021 at 5:45pm”

Please take note that the next Hamlet HoA BoD meeting will be held on Thursday July 8, 2021 at 5:45pm via Zoom. The agenda, which includes the Zoom meeting link, is located in the Meetings page. “TCE Stormwater Request for Bids” document also uploaded in the Topics page.

06-28-2021 “Welcome Packet Updated”

The Welcome Packet has been updated in the Documents page.

05-21-2021 “Overflow Lot - Move Cars By Sunday, Maybe 23rd Evening”

Hello Hamlet Residents, I’ve just had an email from Brett Grabowski, asking that all cars be moved out of the overflow lot by Sunday evening. The lot will be sealed and striped first thing Monday morning. Thanks! ~Kate Kinney

05-01-2021 “Update from VP and Secretary”

The following documents have been updated:

- The Minutes to our two most recent Board of Directors meetings, which were held 4/08 and 4/23/2021.
- The latest revision of the Rules and Regulations: the Board has continued to improve our Association Rules to clarify rules for Homeowners and streamline administrative activities for the Property Manager and Board. In addition to updating the leasing rules (Article 7) in February, the process to report violations of the declaration or other rules, the associated fines, and the process to request a hearing (Article 5) were amended at the May meeting. Finally, new species were added to the Trees and Plants list - please consider suggesting others.

- The latest (and fourth) Amendment to the Declaration recently filed with the Town should soon be posted - it reflects the shift in responsibility for the maintenance of the dwellings from the Association to each homeowner voted in the Fall of 2020.

In addition, please take note of a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors to be held on Thursday May 6 at 6pm via Zoom with a one-item agenda. Please visit the meeting page and see PDF link for information.

04-28-2021 “Casella Recycling Bin Update”

Casella has notified us that they will no longer be picking up the small blue recycling bins.  They want everyone to use the large totes now and their truck is outfitted to dump them like they do for garbage. They plan on bringing in just 2 more large totes tomorrow – I think they said on Jakes’ Way.  So if you still do not have a large tote, please let me know so that I can pass the word on to Casella. ~ Kate Kinney

04-14-2021 “Meeting Minutes Uploaded”

Hello, the following minutes have been posted below and in the Meeings page.

04-09-2021 “DiStefano Landscaping Spring Cleaning”

DiStefano’s Maintenance Production Manager shared the update:

We will begin the spring clean up at Hamlet on Monday (April 12th). With that we will trim those couple large cedars, fixing plow damage, as well as dropping seed into those scarred areas from the walkway machine. If there are any other requests please email Kate@appletreebay.com

04-06-2021 “Hamlet Recycling Schedule”

Hello Hamlet Homeowners, I have just been able to obtain your recycling schedule for 2021.  If this is helpful to you, you can save it or print it for future use. ~Kate

03-14-2021 “Taft Corners will grow, change, and evolve. How? With your voice and ideas!”

Please see the forwarded flyer from our neighbor Ron who is working with the Williston Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is moving towards the use of a Form-based zoning code. The goal is to generate citizen participation in the next stages of development of Taft Corners.

“The Town of Williston aspires to shape Taft Corners Growth Center into a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use downtown area. Join us for a virtual workshop series, kicking off on March 25th, to plan for new development that brings beautiful buildings, safe streets, and exciting sites to our town! This is a once in a generation opportunity to influence the future of Taft Corners. Visit the project website to learn more, share your ideas, and sign up to get involved.” Please contact Emily Heymann at eheymann@willistonvt.org or call 802-560-5128 if you have questions.

02-01-2021 “Snowstorm update notice from DiStefano”

Just wanted to give you our plan for tomorrow and Wednesday's storm. We're predicting close to 10 inches by Wednesday morning but only time will tell. The team will be making a couple passes throughout the day tomorrow depending on the severity of the snowfall. Hopefully this will allow us to keep any snow banks from the town plows at a minimum and allow homeowners in and out of their driveways safely. Teams will get a short sleep break Tuesday night and be back out Wednesday morning for another go round on their properties. ~ DiStefano

01-28-2021 “Special Meeting - Leasing #2”

Please take note that the Board will hold a second special meeting on Thursday 2/11 @8PM to continue the discussion on the topic of leasing. Agenda, including Zoom link, is located in the Meetings Page. The first 20 minutes have been allotted for homeowner comment, and you are encouraged to attend. You can also send any comments, questions, or concerns via email to Kate@appletreebay.com.

01-18-2021 “Special Meeting - Leasing”

Please take note that the Board will hold a special meeting on Thursday 1/28 @8PM to address the topic of leasing. Agenda, including Zoom link, is located in the Meetings Page. The first 20 minutes have been allotted for homeowner comment, and you are encouraged to attend. You can also send any comments, questions, or concerns via email to Kate@appletreebay.com.

01-14-2021 “Letter from DiStefano Landscaping”

A letter from Jerry Elliott is posted below from DiStefano Landscaping.

01-03-2021 “Topics Page Added”

A new page as been added as a home for community topics such as snow, stormwater, and fire management.

01-03-2021 “Sharing of Town’s New Fire Burning Permit from “Front Porch Forum”

The “Front Porch Forum” posted a link of the Town’s New Fire Burning Permit website. Looks like Hamlet campfires, like have reported in the recent past, are not allowed by the Town because of distance requirements at a minimum. Please report all fires to the fire department immediately, thank you. ~ Board of Directors

12-30-2020 “Board Meeting January 14th”

Please be advised that the next quarterly board of directors takes place virtually on January 14th. All information about accessing the meeting and communicating questions and comments can be found on the agenda. Although the Zoom invitation will give phone numbers for call-in attendance, phone calls are tough to manage during a meeting so a computer login is preferable. Agenda is below and Zoom link to be added closer to the date. ~ Kate Kinney

12-29-2020 “Christmas Tree Disposal”

Below are some options for Christmas Tree disposal:

1) Boy Scouts: Scout Troop 692 pickup is scheduled for January 9th and they are asking for at least a $10 donation (placed in an envelope tied to the tree). We have confirmed our streets with the organizer so no scheduling needed - just put trees out on that Saturday morning and they will be picked up. More details from the Williston Observer: [ Link ]

2) CSWD Drop Off: Option to bring the tree to the Williston location and there is no charge through January. [ Link ]

12-17-2020 “Hamlet Snow and Parking Information Update”

Since winter has arrived and more snow is on the way we'd like to share some information on a street parking alternative and snow overflow location. To assist in keeping streets empty for plowing, we've attached a map of an alternative location for parking. Please consider not parking cars blocking the sidewalk walkways for safety reasons.

  • The Town of Williston Public Works Dept. was contacted and their response is, "The winter parking ban is applicable  at night between 11 pm and 7 am, to facilitate plowing.  If there is a snowstorm during the day they would expect people to move their cars off the street. It is not strictly enforced, but if necessary, they would be within their rights to ticket or tow if a car is in the way for plowing during the day."

  • Designated street parking is still on Day Lane. Residents and commercial tenants use Day Lane all winter long during the day.

  • The overflow parking is also for guests and spots are limited.

Additionally, someone asked about whether they would get plowed today or have to shovel their own driveway.  The guidance on that is that the contract with DiStefano states that if more than 2” of snow falls during the night, they will plow in the early a.m. by 7:00 am if snowfall ends by 4:30 am.  If there is snowfall during the day of more than 2”, they will plow at various times during the day prior to 4:30 p.m. Thank you and happy holidays! ~ The Board of Directors

11-30-2020 “Hamlet Pet Notice from Board of Directors”

Below you will find a note from the board and Appletree Bay reminding of some simple, but important, courtesies when out with your dog if you're a dog owner. First, I want to say that we do not have a lot of direct control over who walks through The Hamlet and how they behave. How do we keep people safe and comfortable in our neighborhood then, you ask? I believe the best way is to create a culture where we model good behavior and aren't afraid to be candid with anyone walking our quaint streets. Whether a dog is under voice control or on leash, if you don't feel safe, let the owner know. If you are out walking your dog and see someone not being respectful to the property or a neighbor, let them know that in The Hamlet, we care. Sometimes it's difficult to walk the line of being honest while not coming off rude, so here's a practical example that may help. I noticed a woman with her dog out front of my house one day. The dog left a present right by our walkway. I saw the owner searching their pockets for a bag, but they came up empty. They started to walk away. I quickly grabbed a bag from the kitchen and ran out. She looked embarrassed. "I always pick up after her, but I forgot my bag today" she said. "No worries. Here, I had an extra in the kitchen." I said. Now she knows I care, and the dog poop got scooped.

I hope you'll join me in building a culture of responsible pet behavior in The Hamlet. Not being a dog owner, I always feel like fellow dog owners have more credibility to speak up, so please do! Still, our cats are at the heart of our lives, and now more than ever we need our pets for companionship and normalcy. Thank you for reading. ~ Reed

11-07-2020 “Ballot Instructions, Agenda, and Zoom Available for Annual Meeting”

Please find attached supporting documentation and see Meetings page for November 12th Annual meeting information.

A couple other important references:

- Link to Rules and Regulations on the Hamlet's website:
- Link to information on ranked-choice voting for a multi-winner election

11-06-2020 “Outstanding Maintenance Items List”

Some board members were able to meet and were enough of a quorum to go ahead and sort out the list of outstanding maintence items. Please see Minutes and Tracking List in the Meetings page under 11-05-2020. I'll touch base with Kate so we can get quotes on those items that are ready for it, and execute the few follow ups. ~ Isabelle

11-05-2020 “HOA Annual Meeting Zoom Invite Available”

Nov 12th (6pm) Zoom link/information is available in the Meetings page.

11-03-2020 “HOA Transition Team Zoom Meeting”

Wed, Nov 4th (6pm) Zoom link/information is available in the Meetings page.

10-27-2020 “Maps - Town of Williston, Website”

This is a good map for homeowners to see their home and building envelopes. In particular, “Tax Parcel Boundaries for Google Earth.” ~ Ron

10-23-2020 “Letter from HOA President”

Please see the letter from our HOA President regarding election results and steps going forward. ~ Erin

10-22-2020 “Election results”

Tonight's election results have been posted in the Meetings Page under today’s date. ~Isabelle

10-14-2020 “Will Landscaping Continue?”

The short answer is yes. Presently, the Hamlet Homeowners have a two year landscaping contract that is at the end of the first year. In twelve months, a new contract will occur. At that point the terms of the contract could change to address and clarify homeowner responsibilities within their property envelope. ~Ron

10-13-2020 “Fall Flower Trimming Response from DiStefano Landscape Field Supervisor”

This will all be included with ... fall clean up. We will cut back any perennials and do a proper trim on hydrangeas and other flowering shrubs. We typically wait for the fall clean up so that homeowners can enjoy the last bit of flowering colors before we put all the landscape beds to rest for the winter. We will be skipping mowing at The Hamlet this week and next Monday will be the final mow of the season. We then will be going into our fall clean up schedule. Your last garden visit took place last week and your fall clean up should be done going into the first week of November. This will include removal of any leaf litter, sticks picked up, perennials all cut back and we will hedge trim some of the smaller arborvitaes on the property for you as a courtesy.

10-13-2020 “Updates on Upcoming Meetings and Ballot Documents”

Please find below a Memorandum from the Hamlet Homeowners Association's President Ron Bomer, as well as several related attachments:

  • Special Vote Ballot with Meeting Notice and Ballot instructions

  • Directed and Undirected proxy letters

I encourage you to pay attention to the dates listed in the various documents as the matters they address are time sensitive. Quick reminder, since you will need it to vote: your Lot Id corresponds to the last 2 digits of the Parcel Id on your Property Tax Bill.

Please return ballot no later than 4pm on Oct. 22 to the Secretary. Roll Call Vote at meeting on Oct. 23 at 6pm. ~ Isabelle Doris

10-13-2020 “Letter from Roman Wolny to Hamlet HoA Members regarding Dues, Votes”

Please find attached a letter from homeowner Roman Wolny. ~ Isabelle Doris

09-29-2020 “Zoom Invite For Oct 1 Meeting Available”

Review this Board business agenda, and please be aware of the tight schedule. We hope to have full attendance which will impact each members' allowed time to voice their comments at the beginning and as the Board will open motion voting discussions. Please plan your comments as each person speaks in sequential order.  Our agreement with Appletree is their attendance is for ninety minutes at quarterly meetings. Additional charges accrue after that amount of time. Caution: As from the first April Zoom Meetings, we are not able to reliably support telephone dial-in access at the meeting. Please use video conferencing if at all possible.  If you really MUST use the phone #, use the one in New York.

09-27-2020 “Vacant Jakes Way Lots Permitted for Construction”

The HOA has informally been advised by the Williston Planning and Zoning Department a construction permit has been issued for the two lots. Property stakes have been in place for a couple of weeks. A zoning permit sign is ready for pickup by the developer. Unfortunately, we have no official or written snow storage map for our HOA vendors in place. ~ Board of Directors

09-25-2020 “Storm Water Annual Inspection Report and Notes”

Uploaded for your information - created June 17, 2020.

09-22-2020 “Board Meeting October 1st”

Please be advised that the Board of Directors meets via Zoom online next Thursday, October 1st, at 6:00 pm. The Budget Committee is still wrapping up a couple of things on the draft budget so I will send that as soon as it is available. Please reply to this email if you would like to receive the hyperlink and sign-in info for the meeting. I will send that only to the people who request to attend. Has not been officially scheduled in Zoom yet.  When it is scheduled, the invitation will be sent out. ~ Kate Kinney

08-19-2020 “Paint Special”

Here is a special offer from one of your own, for drastically reduced prices on paint.  This is not an ad to market to you, but rather an offer with a price so low, it could really help you out.

 “My company, Bibens Ace, has switched over from Vaslpar to Benjamin Moore paint, per Ace.  We have quite a bit of Valspar left that we’re looking to sell off at a greatly discounted rate, and depending on amount, possibly even at cost!  If anyone is interested, please have them reach out to me directly, and I can facilitate it from there."

gbibens@bibens.com or 917.650.7024

~ Kate Kinney

08-10-2020 “Update”

I’m sure you are all aware of the special committee meeting that was held this past Friday.  The following from Reed Carr and Roman Wolny, will give you a good description of the essence of the meeting and possible follow up.  Please feel free to email me, Reed, or Roman with any questions or comments you may have. ~ Kate Kinney

07-27-2020 “Special Online Meeting Friday, Aug 7th”

Please be on notice that there is a special meeting online on Friday, Aug 7th to discuss the possibility of amending the association’s Declaration, removing certain maintenance items from the responsibility of the association in order to keep HOA dues lower.  This decision cannot be made at this time, only discussed.  The group hopes to choose certain items to eliminate and then prepare a ballot for vote at this year’s annual meeting.  A change like this would require a 67% percent vote of the lot owners.  If you have some ideas and would like to join the meeting, please let me know.  I’ll put your name on the list and we’ll get an invite to you as the day draws nearer. ~ Kate Kinney

07-11-2020 “Notice from Hamlet Board of Directors”

Please find the attached Approved minutes from the June 4th Special Board Meeting and the Unapproved minutes from the July 2 Quarterly Board of Directors meeting. ~ Kate Kinney

06-19-2020 “Composting”

As you know, the July 1st deadline for composting food scraps is right around the corner.  Your board has decided that the association should not take on the extra expense of managing this and asks each of you to be responsible for their own. I get a lot of questions about this new regulation, such as WHY? HOW? And HOW ARE THEY PROPOSING TO ENFORCE?

I have attached a few items for you to look at to help you answer all of these questions.

 One of the attached sheets has a really brief explanation as to WHY the state made this regulation and WHY they feel that composting is necessary to help the environment.  (See: Individual Notes about Composting)

 Also on that sheet is a really great website from the state that explains HOW you can succeed with composting.  One of the possibilities that they suggest is a process called Bokashi.  I’ve been composting for years, but this process sounds exciting and I plan to look into it.  Composting can be messy and stinky.  It takes some effort to learn how to do it right, but I think you’ll be glad you did.  You’ll have a LOT LESS trash to get rid of, saving money for the association (Read, YOU).  Your garbage bags will be a lot less messy too.

 I have also attached information from a couple of different companies that will give you a bin, tell you how to use it, pick it up as often as you want, and give you back a clean bin. (See: Earthgirl Composting and No Waste Compost)

 The Chittenden Solid Waste district has provided a Chuck-It Guide to help everyone with composting, recycling and trash disposal (see attached)

 Finally, I have attached a sheet from the State of Vermont explaining THE LAW; WHY they passed it, WHAT they expect from various parties, and HOW THEY PLAN TO ENFORCE the law. (See: Food-Scrap-Ban-Guidance from State of VT.pdf)

 I hope you will take time to read the attached documents and that all of this will be helpful to you. Thanks for helping to “Keep it Green”!

~ Kate Kinney

04-29-2020 “Hamlet Gardening/Landscaping”

It’s spring – let the gardening begin!! I have a few points I’d like to share with you:

  1. With the no work order, all landscapers are about 1 month behind schedule.  Please be patient with them.  And with distancing orders still in effect, please do not approach them.  If you have questions or comments, please contact me via email.  I am your best resource.

  2. PLEASE dispose of your old potted plants appropriately at the solid waste recycling locations.  Do NOT put soil or plant material in trash bins.  Do NOT throw them in the vacant lots (which are privately owned – NOT common property)  

  3. PLEASE do NOT throw anything over the fence!  People have been throwing old plants into the stormwater management area, which violates your state permit.  If yours are over there, we would really appreciate your going to retrieve them.

  4. The board will be forced to charge fines for these behaviors, because it is critical that it stop immediately.  Owners will be charged $90 per hour plus all landfill fees for cleanup.

  5. Finally, please do not park vehicles on the vacant lots either.  Again, they are privately owned – NOT common property.

~ Kate Kinney